Disputes or problems at work
When problems arise at work, it can be very stressful and overwhelming. Taking advice early can often alleviate a lot of the stress and help you take more control of the situation.

We can help with all of the common issues including:
Disciplinary procedures
Performance issues
Flexible working requests
Pregnancy/maternity issues
Family leave
Pay, bonus and benefits disputes
Bullying and harassment
Stress at work
Sickness absence
Changes to contract terms
There are also a lot of free online resources that you can access for help at an early stage. Head to our “Useful Links” page where you will find links to some free resources. These should give you a starting point to understanding your rights and the options available to you.
We will be adding some free guides on a range of topics to this page soon. Bookmark this page and check-in periodically for updates.
If you need any further guidance and tailored advice on your situation, get in touch and we will be happy to help.
Fancy a chat?
We're here to help if you're interested in finding out more about our Disputes or problems at work services. Get in touch with Kim Cross on kimcross@vinelaw.co.uk or call us on 01945 898090* for a no-obligation chat.
*Privacy Policy
*Privacy Policy
Our payment options
Paying for legal services at a time when things are perhaps going wrong at work, or if you have lost your job, is often a worrying prospect for clients. We offer a range of payment options to give you as much choice as we can.